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Customer Testimonials

"I absolutely LOVE The Red Apron! I moved to the Liberty area in March and my new neighbor quickly told me about this gem of a place! I have made it there just about every month since! The Red Apron has helped me decorate my new home in such a fun way! I look forward to every trip there! I definately encourage everyone to check them out!"

- Jen Main, Liberty, Missouri

"I love this place and the girls that run it!! So fun and amazing things. I mark it on my calendar every month. It is my treat day to myself!!! The prices are great and you never know what you are going to find. I make two or three rounds and always see something I miss on the other go throughs. You gotta go see this for yourself. Keep up the good work Red Apron!"

- Susan Ryals

"Fabulous finds...fantastic people and surprisingly great prices!

Add this to your calendar...Definitely worth the trip!"

- Courtney Galvin- Currie

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